15th Anniversary Event and Soul Forge Beta ( SOUL EATERS! )

So we are finally ready to start rolling out a beta test for the long previewed Soul Forge, the system that lets you create/manage a new form of equipment, Soul Eaters. However, before we get to that, we’ve hit another major milestone! 15 YEARS!!! For 15 years we have been up with a 99.999% uptime. We’re older than all but a handful of mmorpgs and I couldn’t have done it without all of you! So thank you all for growing and supporting this server through all the years. So without further ado here are the details for how we’re gonna celebrate it this year!

Increased Gift Coin Donation Rate and Mini Game Donation Packs

All donations during the months of July and August will be at the bonus rate of 25 GC per dollar donated (for non package donations), as always this can be boosted further by making larger donation amounts. You can use the Donation Calculator to see these rate changes and find out exactly what gifts you will get to thank you for these donations. For those who donated before these rates were applied during the month of July, we will manually deliver the difference to your character.

We have created 2 new event donation packages for the anniversary arcade, these have bonus plays for the arcade games released (more on that later). You can see these packages at the Donation Packages page.

Additionally there are 2 new event donation packages for the Soul Forge release that are very limited in the number allowed to donate for as they contain soul cores and abstract cores to help give you a jump start in the hatchery. More details on this to come later in this post.

The Arcade is back!

We’ve brought back a whole slew of mini games with updated prizes! The Anniversary GC Wheel, Treasures of Insolence, Flip To Win, Lindvior’s Mini Games, Fafurion’s Mini Games, Valakas’ Mini Games and Antharas’ Mini Games. You can access these on the L1.5 Arcade page. Added to these mini games are Soul Cores, Abstract Cores, Soul Fuel as well as 15Y NFT prizes which can be claimed for the new Anniversary NFT’s (more on that in just a sec).

15th Anniversary NFTs

So the past few years, I’ve been creating NFT’s to celebrate anniversaries and it has gone pretty well, so I’m keeping up the tradition! This year we have 4 brand new NFTs with all new functions.

Soul Forge - Hatchery Slot: Opens an additional slot for hatching soul cores, in the Soul Forge’s Hatchery. Only the first one will work, any additional ones in your wallet have no effect.

Rune Stone - Physical Damage: Passively increases physical damage for all characters on the wallet linked account. These runes may stack for increased damage.

Rune Stone - Magical Damage: Passively increases magical damage for all characters on the wallet linked account. These runes may stack for increased damage.

Rune Stone - Critical Damage: Passively increases critical damage for all characters on the wallet linked account. These runes may stack for increased bonus.

These are obtainable by winning the “NFT Claim - 15Y” item in the mini games and sending a PM to zajako on Discord to request one in exchange. There will also be various contests throughout the rest of the summer in which case you’ll be able to win them.

Soul Forge Beta

After 2 years of development I’m finally ready to release the Soul Eater system for beta. There will be bugs and please make sure to report and definitely not exploit these bugs. There are also some features that are on hold and will be released later. There is a lot to this system and there will be many questions, please ask these questions. Additionally I’ve put a lot of extra time into building tools to make restoring items eaten by the soul eaters easy so that I can undo any mistakes made. If you need me to do this, contact me @zajako on discord. With that out of the way, I’ll give a brief explaination of each part to this system and a list of related items so that those who have not been reading the #previews channel on discord are caught up.

What is the Soul Forge

The soul forge is a web based section of the game for hatching soul cores and managing soul eaters. It is located at l15server.com/forge.html and has many sections to it that have different purposes.

What is a Soul Eater

Soul Eaters are the next evolution of soul equipment. They are living weapons, armors and accessories that not only gain soul experience from killing enemies, but require you to feed them soul equipment to provide them their growth and shape their stats and abilities. Soul Eaters have up to 7 slots for level ups, between 2 - 4 traits and if its a weapon up to 10 slots for skills.

Soul Forge - Hatchery

This is the first section of the Soul Forge, the Hatchery. It’s purpose is to allow you to hatch soul and abstract cores after certain amounts of time. To hatch a core, make sure its stored to the site claim system by double clicking it in the game or if won as a prize it should already be there. After that click on the item socket in one of the hatchery slots to bring up the menu to add a core. It will then show that it is undergoing the hatching process which takes a random duration that has ranges based on the core type. At first there will be a limit to 3 sockets, the other sockets will be unlock-able in the future. Upon hatching you can click the button to see the results. The results can be a range of items that include soul eaters, cores and fuel.

Soul Forge - Foundry

This section of the soul forge is for after you’ve obtained a soul eater. Make sure you claim it from the site claim system to one of your characters, then in the soul forge select that character at the bottom right. After doing that it should show up in the foundry. To be able to use and feed items to a soul eater it must first have its name cast into it, this is the purpose of the foundry. Click the Cast Name button next to the soul eater you have and type in a name for it from which it will then be moved to the Armory with between 2-4 traits on it. In the future the Armory will be able to re-cast soul eaters to allow you to re-roll your traits and/or rename them.

Soul Forge - Armory

So now you have it, a Soul Eater that you’ve named, it shows up in the Armory as long as you have the correct character selected in the bottom right. Now its time to feed them! Each Soul eater will have 3 buttons on the right side of it. Digest Item, Swallow Item and a Info button.

The info button shows you your soul eater’s information, its traits as well as its levels and skills.

The Digest button allows you to feed items to it to provide it with stats that it can gain on level ups.

The Swallow Item button allows you to feed items to it to provide it with Skills aka procs if its a weapon.

More to come

There’s a lot more information to be provided about this system so I’ll be making a much more focused and detailed guide at a later date. Please ask questions and if you make a mistake please reach out for support and I’ll be glad to help undo things while its in beta.

Also again please report any bugs and do not exploit them. If you’re unsure if its a bug, please ask.

Good Luck, Have Fun,
GM Zajako