As promised the gc acquired from the banned auctions is going to be put toward contests and events. The first of these contests will be a guide creation contest to help encourage and show new players (or old players) a thing or two about the game.
There will be some rules and guidelines for creating these guides, so before you start making your guide make sure to read these rules so you can ensure your guide will be considered for the contest.
I’m making the prizes for this first contest very high stakes!! So bring your guide making A-Game and Wow both me and the rest of the players!
Contest Prizes
1st Prize: 4500 Gift Coins
2nd Prize: 3600 Gift Coins
3rd Prize: 2700 Gift Coins
Contest Rules
- Guides must be created this month
- Guides must be posted as a topic in the Guides Category
- Put the tag “[contest]” in your topic’s title so it is clear
- Guides must contain custom content that is for L1.5
- Guides must follow in game rules
- Guides cannot be copied from existing guides
- Players are allowed to submit multiple guides for consideration
- Guides created for this contest are being donated to L1.5 and may be used as we see fit around the site (meaning we can use them for the site or other places)
- Guides must be accurate! If it is slightly off, I(Zajako) may correct it so that it is able to meet this rule.
- Any breaking of the rules or “Troll” posts for this contest may be subject to banning from participating in any future contests.
Contest Guidelines
- Videos are allowed, upload them to youtube and embed if needed.
- Pictures are allowed, you can use the image button when posting to add them. Please do not use a free host however as those images can expire. If you need assistance hosting your images contact me and I can upload them for you.
- The boards have formatting buttons and support basic html tags, use these to your advantage to make your guide very readable!
- It is also helpful to post a link as a reply in this topic to your post!