Happy New Years! To celebrate this year we are releasing some new items. Also this year I will be focusing on developing new things for players to do every day as well as adding many new zones for players to hunt every day. Within the next month we should be upgraded to a newer better client, which screens and more information will be provided soon.
The two new event items are as follows:
New Year’s Cubic - 2015 - This cubic is like the golden cubic and its contents may change throughout the year. This cubic will expire and no longer work when it is 2016. You can use both this cubic and the golden cubic once a day, however you can only use one New Year’s cubic on each character each day, even if you have 2 or 3 new years cubics on your character. This cubic is also non tradeable. The items obtainable from the cubic currently are the same as the golden cubic. Uses for the New Year’s Cubic reset at 1am each night rather than the way the golden cubic resets as it uses the new daily system instead.
New Year’s Celebration Pin - This brooch gives 4 slots, hp/mp and some stat points. Click the link to see the exact stats gained or search for it in the library.