Mysterious What!?! Another Codex?!!!
This new feature is site based, its a monster codex that allows you to gain passive account wide boosts to all of your characters! It works by allowing you to use a new item type called Soul Stones to strengthen it’s knowledge about these monsters. Knowledge that it doesn’t share with you, but rather awards you with something called Codex Energy as each monster levels up. This Codex Energy is then usable in the Codex Shop to level up Codex Runes which each provide passive boosts to the characters on your account. This is a lot to process, so let’s break it down by each feature and give a deep dive to explain it!
Codex UI Quick Guide
Here are some images labeling the different parts of the codex pages to explain how they work.
Soul Stones
Soul stones are the life blood of the mysterious codex. They are vessels that carry information about the various monsters in L1.5 universe. Despite the name they do not carry the souls of the monsters, rather some unknown data trapped in its mineral form that the codex knows how to read. Soul stones come in two(2) forms:
Boss Soul Stones
These Soul Stones are dropped from the bosses they are named after. They can also be obtained via various events and mini games. When used by the codex they have a 100% chance of giving +1 exp to the specific boss that drops them in the codex.
Zone Soul Stones
These Soul Stones can be dropped by monsters in the zone they represent. They can also be obtained via various events and mini games. When used by the codex they have a chance to give +1 exp to one of the monsters in the zone they represent.
When used in game soul stones are stored to the “Site Inventory” system (this is where many mini games store the prizes they give). Once in the Site Inventory, they can be found in the Mysterious Codex’s home page. When won from a mini game they are already located in the site inventory and can be used directly from the codex.
When you click on a soul stone in the codex, it will prompt you to ask how many you would like to use like this:
You can use 1, 5 or 10 stones at a time by clicking the number at the bottom right of this pop up. It will consume the amount you clicked to use and present the stones to be opened like this:
To open the soul stone, click and hold the mouse down on each stone until it charges up, then drag the mouse away from it until it pops open!
If you’re in a hurry you can also hit the “Open All” button at the bottom of the result screen as well to open them all instantly. Once opened it will give +1 exp to the monster that was in the soul stone. If it levels up, you will receive codex energy depending on the rarity of the monster.
Codex Monsters
The purpose of opening soul stones is to level up the monsters within the codex. You can browse the monsters by the zones they are in by clicking the tabs at the top. When you click on one it will open a page on the right that shows more information about that monster and it’s progression through the codex. You’ll be able to see how much codex energy it gives per level, the current level, and the amount of souls required to level it up next. When the monsters level up they also increase the total codex exp which can level up the codex which is important for buying runes. You’ll be able to get the stones for these monsters from hunting the areas they spawn in or by playing mini games or events that have soul stones for them.
At release there are 80 monsters from 5 zones and 5 rarities. These zones are as follows:
- Land of Beginnings - 24 monsters
- Blazing Swamps - 11 monsters
- Isle of Prayer - 13 monsters
- The Underworld - 21 monsters
- The Devil’s Blade - 12 monsters
The monsters can be of different rarities each giving different amounts of codex energy when they level up. The rarities are as follows:
- Common - 1 codex energy per level - 28 monsters
- Uncommon - 3 codex energy per level - 25 monsters
- Rare - 10 codex energy per level - 15 monsters
- Legendary - 50 codex energy per level - 10 monsters
- Mythic - 250 codex energy per level - 2 monsters
Codex Runes
Codex runes are the purpose or reward for using this system. By obtaining them and upgrading them, you’ll gain passive, always active boosts to your characters. All characters on the account that your account will get these boosts and they are always active after you login to the game. If you collect a new rune or upgrade a rune, you may have to restart the game to apply its benefits.
At release there are 16 codex runes each with 10 levels. New runes will be added over time. You can see information about each of the runes by clicking on them in the codex shop.
The price of upgrading codex runes goes up exponentially each time it levels up so keep that in mind as its much easier to get a bunch of low level runes then to focus on one specific.
The starting runes are as follows:
Basic Strength Rune - Increases 2 Strength per level
Basic Constitution Rune - Increases 2 Constitution per level
Basic Wisdom Rune - Increases 2 Wisdom per level
Basic Intelligence Rune - Increases 2 Intelligence per level
Basic Dexterity Rune - Increases 2 Dexterity per level
Basic Charisma Rune - Increases 2 Charisma per level
Rune of Protection - Increases 5 Damage Reduction per level
Rune of Sharpening - Increases 5 bonus damage per level
Fortitude Rune - Increases 25 Max HP per level
Invigorating Rune - Increases 15 Max MP per level
Hawkeye Rune - Increases 3 Crit Rate per level
Rune of Piercing - Increases 10 Crit Damage per level
Rune of Hardening - Decreases 3 AC per level
Piercing Rune - Increases 20 Penetration per level
Rune of Determination - Increases 25 Resilience per level
Rune of Fortune - Increases 5 Luck per level