Pandora came up with some ideas to help jazz things up and bring in new customization options for your characters! With all these existing character slots what could we possibly add to the list? Pandora made it clear, MORE JEWELRY!!! To be specific, Brooches! These brooches each have sockets for jewels, so you can customize your brooch to suit your needs and hunting ground choice! The mini game and brooch/jewel system is being released, October 9th, and when released you guys can play the new mini game and start winning jewels to equip and collect as well!
What is a Brooch?
Brooches are a new equipment slot that is socket-able. Sockets are not binding and can be added and removed just like other pieces of equipment allowing you to swap out your jewels on the go. Upon release there are 3 new brooches able to be obtained. Ancient Brooch (2 slots) which can be purchased for adena from Pandora. Shiny Brooch (3 slots) which you will be able to obtain from the clan store or gift master for gift coins. Lastly the very rare Autumn Brooch (5 slots) which can be won from Pandora’s Jewelry Box mini game.
What is a Jewel?
There are a total of 9 different jewel types that can be equipped in a brooch (or slotted item) Each jewel has 5 different levels. You can only equip one jewel of each type at a time. Of course you are also limited to the number of slots in your brooch (or other slotted items) as to how many jewels you can equip. Jewels are non trade-able, however at level 5 you can seal them and exchange the sealed jewel.
How to get Jewels
You can obtain jewels from Pandora’s Jewelry Chest mini game that is on the website (here) . Playing this mini game lets you win different prizes many of which are jewels. There are also jewel boxes that are trade-able/sellable.
What do these jewels do?
These stat boosts are still under testing and are subject to change but the boosts upon release are as follows:
Ruby - Increases the effect of soul shots
- Lv1 - Increase soul shot dmg by 3%
- Lv2 - Increase soul shot dmg by 5%
- Lv3 - Increase soul shot dmg by 8%
- Lv4 - Increase soul shot dmg by 10%
- Lv5 - Increase soul shot dmg by 20%
Sapphire - Increases the effect of spirit shots
- Lv1 - Increase spirit shot dmg by 3%
- Lv2 - Increase spirit shot dmg by 5%
- Lv3 - Increase spirit shot dmg by 8%
- Lv4 - Increase spirit shot dmg by 10%
- Lv5 - Increase spirit shot dmg by 20%
Diamond - Proc Resistance & Damage Increases
- Lv1 - Increased Proc Resistance by 1%
- Lv2 - Increased Proc Resistance by 3%
- Lv3 - Increased Proc Resistance by 5% & Increase Proc Damage by 1%
- Lv4 - Increased Proc Resistance by 8% & Increase Proc Damage by 5%
- Lv5 - Increased Proc Resistance by 10% & Increase Proc Damage by 8%
Emerald - Increases base stats
- Lv1 - +1 Str +1 Int
- Lv2 - +1 to All Stats
- Lv3 - +2 to All Stats
- Lv4 - +3 to All Stats
- Lv5 - +5 to All Stats
Topaz - Vampiric Rage Effect
- Lv1 - Steals 33 Health per Hit
- Lv2 - Steals 66 Health per Hit
- Lv3 - Steals 100 Health per Hit
- Lv4 - Steals 133 Health per Hit
- Lv5 - Steals 200 Health per Hit
Aquamarine - Mana Steal Effect
- Lv1 - Steals 10 Mana per Hit
- Lv2 - Steals 20 Mana per Hit
- Lv3 - Steals 30 Mana per Hit
- Lv4 - Steals 40 Mana per Hit
- Lv5 - Steals 65 Mana per Hit
Opal - Reduces the equipment level requirement
- Lv1 - Reduces level requirement by 5 levels
- Lv2 - Reduces level requirement by 10 levels
- Lv3 - Reduces level requirement by 20 levels
- Lv4 - Reduces level requirement by 30 levels
- Lv5 - Reduces level requirement by 100 levels
Pearl - Decreases chances to be de-buffed, increases chances to land de-buffs
- Lv1 - Decreases de-buff chance by 1%
- Lv2 - Decreases de-buff chance by 3%
- Lv3 - Decreases de-buff chance by 5% & Increases de-buff land rate by 1%
- Lv4 - Decreases de-buff chance by 8% & Increases de-buff land rate by 5%
- Lv5 - Decreases de-buff chance by 10% & Increases de-buff land rate by 10%
Obsidian - Reduces incoming PvP damage and increases outgoing PvP damage
- Lv1 - Reduces incoming PvP damage by 5%
- Lv2 - Reduces incoming PvP damage by 8%
- Lv3 - Reduces incoming PvP damage by 10% & increases outgoing PvP damage by 3%
- Lv4 - Reduces incoming PvP damage by 15% & increases outgoing PvP damage by 5%
- Lv5 - Reduces incoming PvP damage by 25% & increases outgoing PvP damage by 10%
Garnet - Increases Max HP
- Lv1 - Increases max HP by 300
- Lv2 - Increases max HP by 500
- Lv3 - Increases max HP by 1000
- Lv4 - Increases max HP by 1500
- Lv5 - Increases max HP by 2000
Onyx - A mysterious effect
- Lv1 - Minimal mysterious effect
- Lv2 - Increased mysterious effect
- Lv3 - Moderate mysterious effect
- Lv4 - Enhanced mysterious effect
- Lv5 - Maximum mysterious effect
Glass Eye - Allows you to see the unseen
- Lv1 - Enabled the -hpbar command to show monster health
###Batch 2 Jewels
Amethyst - Prevents Debuffs from having an effect
Lv1 - 5% Debuff Chance Reduction
Lv2 - 10% Debuff Chance Reduction
Lv3 - 15% Debuff Chance Reduction
Lv4 - 20% Debuff Chance Reduction
Lv5 - 40% Debuff Chance Reduction
Cat’s Eye - Increases Good Luck and Fortune
Lv1 - +5 Luck
Lv2 - +5 Luck and +1% adena bonus
Lv3 - +8 Luck and +2% adena bonus
Lv4 - +8 Luck and +3% adena bonus
Lv5 - +10 Luck and +3% adena bonus
Sphalerite - Adds Intelligence Per Character Level
Lv1 - +0.05 Intelligence Growth
Lv2 - +0.08 Intelligence Growth
Lv3 - +0.10 Intelligence Growth
Lv4 - +0.15 Intelligence Growth
Lv5 - +0.20 Intelligence Growth
Vital Stone - Increases the effect of Vitality.
Lv1 - +1 Vitality Reward Chance
Lv2 - +5 Vitality Reward Chance
Lv3 - +10 Vitality Reward Chance
Lv4 - +20 Vitality Reward Chance
Lv5 - +33 Vitality Reward Chance
Tanzanite - Offers PvP Protection
Lv1 - Reduces Incoming PvP Damage by 5%
Lv2 - Reduces Incoming PvP Damage by 10%
Lv3 - Reduces Incoming PvP Damage by 25%
Lv4 - Reduces Incoming PvP Damage by 33%
Lv5 - Reduces Incoming PvP Damage by 50%
Green Kyanite - Adds Dexterity Per Character Level
Lv1 - +0.05 Dexterity Growth
Lv2 - +0.08 Dexterity Growth
Lv3 - +0.10 Dexterity Growth
Lv4 - +0.15 Dexterity Growth
Lv5 - +0.20 Dexterity Growth
Apatite - Adds Strength Per Character Level
Lv1 - +0.05 Strength Growth
Lv2 - +0.08 Strength Growth
Lv3 - +0.10 Strength Growth
Lv4 - +0.15 Strength Growth
Lv5 - +0.20 Strength Growth
Vanadinite - Aids in Gathering and Crafting Trade Skills
Lv1 - +5 to gathering chance/rarity
Lv2 - +5 to gathering chance/rarity | +1 to gathering qty chance
Lv3 - +10 to gathering chance/rarity | +1 to gathering qty chance
Lv4 - +15 to gathering chance/rarity | +1 to gathering qty chance
Lv5 - +20 to gathering chance/rarity | +2 to gathering qty chance
Red Jasper - Adds HPMax per Level
Lv1 - +0.50 HP Growth
Lv2 - +1.50 HP Growth
Lv3 - +3.00 HP Growth
Lv4 - +5.00 HP Growth
Lv5 - +10.00 HP Growth
More information is obtainable about this new system by talking to Pandora at -warp 1