Patch Notes for 1-30-18

Changes to Justice of Eva
We all knew this was coming, but I want it to be clear that I didn’t want this to be a nerf but instead a balancing. Justice of Eva was changed in the following ways:

  • Justice of Eva now applies a 2x damage boost to all non ranged weapons
  • It now no longer has a penalty with ranged weapons within melee range when damaging monsters. PvP however does still have a damage penalty if the target is too close
  • The range multipler is now distance / 6 for PvE ( previously was distance / 5 )
  • The range multipler is now distance / 8 for PvP ( previously was distance / 5 )
  • The maximum damage multipler for Justice of Eva for PvE is now + 200% damage from + 300%
  • The maximum damage multipler for Justice of Eva for PvP is now + 150% damage from 200%

Changes to Soul of Dragons Polymorph Proc
Similar to how Justice of Eva needed balancing, so too did Soul of Dragons. The multipliers for Soul of Dragons is the same for pvp as it is for pve, this will stay the same but it has still been changed in the following ways:

  • The range multipler is now distance / 16 for PvE ( previously was distance / 10 )
  • The maximum damage multipler is now + 100% damage from + 200%
  • The damage multipler is now additive to Justice of Eva instead of multiplying after

Dynamic Content System
I’ve developed a new system that allows me to rapid release new content without requiring restarts. This will allow me to develop new content, test it and deploy it without having to pause for a restart each and every time something needs to be changed. This will allow me to edit and release new content at a pace I’ve never been able to before. This involved major changes to many of the datatables and will pay off largely with the soon to be released content.

Other Changes

  • Ended Christmas Event
  • Added new stat Resilience
  • Added new stat Penetration
  • Added a new tool to spawn a Test Monsters for GM
  • Moved the position for Debug Messages related to attack, magic and soul damage
  • Reduction for bow damage for DK, Wizard, Illusionist to match the reduction already applied to knight and DarkElf.