No grade
Cupid bow of love
Party love - Gives luck potion buff to you and your party member (need to be in party)
Love arrow - arrows are not needed; shoots magical arrow (pink)
Spark of Love - Single Target Stun proc
Evil Pumpkin Sword
Jack Slash - Single Target Damage proc
Evil Curse - Single Target Chance to paralyze attacking target
Smelling, The holey blade
Bite - Unknown
Devour - Unknown
Decay Potion - Single Target Debuff target with Decay potion (half hp restored from potions)
Impact Crater - Very high damage proc with a chance of silence debuff
Pearl Bow of Love
Party Love - 60 second Potion of Luck
Love Arrow - Magic Pink Pew Pew Pew Arrow
Spark of Love - Single Target Damage Proc w/ Slight Chance to “Shock Stun” a non-boss type monster
Mana Steal 1 - Steal 10-20mp per hit
Mana Steal 2 - Steal 30-45mp per hit
Soul Eater
Devistator - Single Target Damage proc
Knockout Blow - Single Target Stun proc
Soul Charge - Sxp Buff
Soul belch - Single Target damage proc
Ritual of the souls - Single Target Damage Proc
Vesper Staff
Seal of Silence - Unknown
Void - Unknown
Zajako’s Soul Blade
Incineration - Single Target Damage Proc
Erupter - Single Target Damage Proc
Extended Blade - Proc Becomes Aoe
Apocalypse - Aoe Damage Proc
.Chatban - Silence target
Power of illusion - Random illusionist Buff
.Kill - Single Target Damage Proc
Mana leak - Unknown
Khopesh of the Underworld
Critical Poison - Unknown
Blood Sword
Bleeding Strike - Single Target Damage Proc
Blood Rain - AOE Damage Proc
Wound - Single Target Damage Proc
Vampiric Fury - Single Target Damage Proc while taking huge hp steal
Blade of Zeus
Lightning - Single Target Damage Proc
Shocker - Aoe Target Damage Proc
Lightning blade - Single Target Stun proc
Lightning Field - Aoe Target Damage Proc
Static Charge - Single Target Stun proc with High Damage
Zaj Staff
Destroy - Single Target Damage Proc
Staff of Eden
Magic Seal - Unknown
Eden’s Touch - Deals damage and can poison and steal health from target
Mass Recharge - Refills self and nearby party members by a large amount of mana
Eden’s Intellect - Casts a self buff to boost INT by 5 for a short time
Zaj Bow
Laser Arrow - shoot magical laser Arrow
Dragon’s Grasp - Debuff Target
Stun Shots - Single Target Stun Proc
Fang of Destiny
Pure Crit - Unknown
BackSlash - Teleports Target to show back towards you
Heaven’s Fang
Fatal Strike - Single Target Damage 1/3 of Hp. Deals 3000 max to monster
Antharas’ Quill
Hallucinogenic Poison - Deals flat dmg + rand dmg + non Magic based “Crazy Poison” debuff
Blinding Cloud - Does flat dmg + rand dmg + Blind debuff
Grounding Vines - flat dmg + rand dmg + Paralyse debuff
Erupter - Single Target damage proc
Sacred Cross
Cheap shot - fires magical arrow (blue arrow)
fire arrow - fires magical arrow (fire bolts)
Arrow of Heavy Water - Single Target damage proc with slow debuff
Poison Tipped Arrow - Single Target damage proc with poison debuff
Silencing Soul Arrow - Single Target damage proc with silence debuff
Numb to All - Casts a self buff that adds stun resistance and damage resistance for a short time
Death Spike - Deals damage and steals health from target
Iron Maiden - Deals large damage and has chance to paralyze and steal health from targe
@Unknown means that I need the information to write it down means I dont know about the proc.
@@I skipped some of the proc since it is described on previous weapon
@@@Please tell me if you guys know Unknown proc or if what i wrote down is wrong.
Updated few of Proc Thank you Allison