Welcome to 2025 at L1.5! New items, new support packs!

So on discord I’ve chatted with you guys to find out what kinds of things you’d be interested in some new donation packages. I got lots of good feedback and I’m happy to report I’ve come up with some new items and put together some exciting new packages for you guys to donate and show your support for!

New and Recent Items in these packs

Soul Eater Recast Scroll - These scrolls can be used in the Soul Forge by clicking on the scroll icon in the Armory next to an existing soul eater. It will allow you to reroll your soul eater’s traits! It will only work on non event soul eaters and consumes 1 scroll per reroll. Rerolls cannot be reversed once rerolled so do so carefully. These will be acquirable in other ways in the near future. See this video for more info on how to use it.

Bronze Insolence Box - With a lot of people working on Soul Eaters, this means a lot of people are also working on X to XR upgrades! This box has the items to help you speed up your trek through TOI to upgrade these X gears. It also has the chance to give you an upgraded Silver Box!

Silver Insolence Box - With a lot of people working on Soul Eaters, this means a lot of people are also working on X to XR upgrades! This box has the items to help you speed up your trek through TOI to upgrade these X gears. It also has the chance to give you an upgraded Gold Box!

Gold Insolence Box - With a lot of people working on Soul Eaters, this means a lot of people are also working on X to XR upgrades! This box has the items to help you speed up your trek through TOI to upgrade these X gears. This box has the highest rates of the 3!

Dimensional Vault Expansion - Using this item increases your Dimensional Vault item slots by 1 permanently allowing you to store more items in it. Because Dimensional Vaults are account based it can be used on any character on your account.

Cupcake - Snowman - This provides a buff of 500 Resilience to make you much tougher!

Cupcake - Snowflakes - This provides a buff of 500 Penetration making sure your targets feel every hit!

There are many other items in these packs, so check them out and please show your support where you can!

New Donation Packages

These new donation packages also come with a bonus of providing you an extra discord role reflecting your support (role is optional, pm Zajako on discord for role). Future discord benefits may be added for these roles, like secret channels or maybe other things you guys can help come up with!

New Year 2025 Supporter Package - Welcome to 2025! Thank you for showing us support and this package is designed to really appreciate your support with many new items and old! This also comes with the discord role of Supporter.

New Year 2025 Crusader Package - Welcome to 2025! Thank you for showing us support and this package is designed to really appreciate your support with many new items and old! This also comes with the discord role of Crusader.

New Year 2025 Savior Package - Welcome to 2025! Thank you for showing us support and this package is designed to really appreciate your support with many new items and old! This also comes with the discord role of Savior.

Thank you all for your support and allowing me to continue to develop and release new content for this game. I couldn’t be doing it for this long without you, nor can I continue to do it without you all! Please let me know what I can do to keep it up!