You’ve been invited to a wedding! However enemies of cupid have sent Wedding Crashers to interrupt the destination wedding! Make sure you help clear them out! Also you’ve been given a +1 on your invitation, as we know no one wants to goto a wedding alone!
Event Details
New Daily Event Instance “Destination Wedding” added to the game. This is a special instance that requires 2 people to enter. To enter this event, form a party with one other person who has been level 65 at some point, then use a wedding invitation item or use your Codex of Time to enter the new instance.
The monsters in this instance can drop weak elixirs, shirt enchants, soul enchants, wedding event items and many other items. Find them in the database to see the exact drops.
Event Items
Wedding Invitation - This item allows you to enter the event instance if you have not done the instance today or the instance has been cleared with a pass. It automatically selects the normal difficulty and teleports you and your party member inside. You can buy one for 10 Vit Coins at the vit master or 3 for 1 GC at the gift master. This item is not needed if you or the person you are grouping with has a Codex of Time.
Event Instance Pass - This item clears your daily instance run for the Destination Wedding instance to allow you to run the instance again. It is in the gift master for 5GC.
Instance Changes
Thebes’ Alter of Osiris Instance will now allow 1-2 people to do the quest, allowing a party of 2 to do the instance together.
Each daily instance will now allow up to 6 active players/groups doing them. Meaning 6 people can be doing hardin, 6 doing orim, 6-12 people doing thebes. Which means this should effectively end the full instance messages!
Boss Changes
Normal Osiris and Anubis have been updated.
Damage from their spells reduced
Attack and cast speeds reduced
Drop rates on boss item drops Increased
Regen of health greatly decreased
Max HP greatly increased
Magic Resistance increased
Bug Fixes
Birthdays are now updated to be the first log entry that character has ever had. For really old characters this means that the birthday will not be the day it was created but the first day that it created a log entry after the logging system was added to the game.
Fixed a bug with Dolls who lose their master for one reason or another to further break when they should acquire exp.
Fixed a bug that occasionally causes errors when skills are used.