November is already here and its already getting close to turkey day! To help fundraise and keep the server going with new features in the pipeline we are doing the NovemberThon event again. Later this month we’ll be be opening up the arcade again with a bunch of mini games and some new prizes. Also a new permanent feature has been rolled out to give bonuses donations to support the server. This system is called Donation Packages. This system will be permanent however the packs will be adjusted to reflect the current events and rates. Read more about this system here.
There are also lots of events going on this month read more about them below:
NovemberThon Event Packages

NovemberThon Donation Event
Tickets are gained only during the month of November and the prizes will be drawn the first week of December. See the post for the prizes for this event. All donations in November are counted toward this, even those made before this was posted. Read about the prizes here.
Increased Gift Coin Rate for Donations
The rate all month long will be 25 gift coins per dollar donated! This can be increased up to 100% by donating larger amounts at the same time! The rate is increased at $500, $1000, $2000 and $3000. Use the donation calculator to find out exactly how many gc you get for the donation you make! Donations made this month before this post have already had their bonus delivered manually, so check your inventory.
Bready Event Contest
At the end of the bready event, the highest rankings on the Ancient Pathways leaderboard for the Event 1 Difficulty will get rewards! You can see your current rank here: Ancient Pathways Event Leaderboard. Only one prize can be won per person, so alt characters and accounts will not be counted for the ranking. The rewards are as follows:
Rank 1:
- Custom Bready Weapon that does not expire, with their name in it. This bready weapon is safe enchant to 9 and can be used in future bready events.
- 3 Limit Break Devices
- 3 X Protection Enchant - Weapon
- 3 X Protection Enchant - Armor
Rank 2:
- Custom Bready Weapon that does not expire, with their name in it. This bready weapon is safe enchant to 9 and can be used in future bready events.
- 1 Limit Break Devices
- 1 X Protection Enchant - Weapon
- 1 X Protection Enchant - Armor
Rank 3:
- Custom Bready Weapon that does not expire, with their name in it. This bready weapon is safe enchant to 9 and can be used in future bready events.